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Showing posts from February, 2021

Adding attachment to custom application Maximo

Note : Cloned application does not require these steps.  run these queries to create sigoption insert into maximo.sigoption (hasld,esigenabled,langcode,optionname,description,app,visible,sigoptionid) values (0,0,'EN','ASSOCFOLD','Associate Folders','App Name',1,SIGOPTIONSEQ.nextval); insert into maximo.sigoption (hasld,esigenabled,langcode,optionname,description,app,visible,sigoptionid) values (0,0,'EN','MANAGEFOLD','Manage Folders','APP Name',1,SIGOPTIONSEQ.nextval); insert into maximo.sigoption (hasld,esigenabled,langcode,optionname,description,app,visible,sigoptionid) values (0,0,'EN','MANAGELIB','Manage Library','APP Name',1,SIGOPTIONSEQ.nextval); run following queries Insert into MAXMENU (MENUTYPE,MODULEAPP,POSITION,SUBPOSITION,ELEMENTTYPE,KEYVALUE,HEADERDESCRIPTION,URL,VISIBLE,IMAGE,ACCESSKEY,TABDISPLAY,MAXMENUID) values ('APPMENU','APP NAME',250,30,'OPTION',...

PMWogen is not working

 reason 1. Asset on PM or Location on PM or Asset or location on routestop on route of pm is Not ready i.e not operating or Active.... 2. PM is inactive 3. PM is not due yet 4. Some customization causing issue. 5. Cron not active.   6. Security Access with User running cron... 7. Organization option related to PM...