Hi If you are getting this error you need to close,complete or cancel these workorders otherwise you will not be able to make this tool Obsolute.
Below are other things you can check to make tools exists so as to not get error's like that:-
1. Check Workorders exists on it or not which are not in cancelled or complete or closed status
1. Workorder
select * from maximo.wpitem where itemnum='YOURTOOLNUM' and wonum in
(select wonum from maximo.wonum where status not in (SELECT MAXVALUE FROM SYNONYM domain where domainid ='WOSTATUS' AND maxvalue not in ('COMP','CLOSE','CAN'))
2. Check for invbalances
Select * from maximo.invbalances where curbal>0 and itemnum='YOURITEMNUM'
3. Check if there is any asset exist on this item
Select * from maximo.asset where itemnum='YOURITEMNUM'
4. check for joptool
Select * from maximo.jobitem where itemnum='YOURITEMNUM'
5. Check for MR which are not close or cancel
Select * from maximo.mrline where itemnum='YOURITEMNUM' and mrnum in
(select mrnum from maximo.mr where status not in status not in (SELECT MAXVALUE FROM MAXIMO.SYNONYM domain where domainid ='MRSTATUS' AND maxvalue not in (,'CLOSE','CAN'))
6. Check for PR
select * form maximo.prline where itemnum='YOURITEMNUM' and itemsetid='YOURITEMSITEMSETiD' and prnum in (select prnum from pr where siteid=prline.siteid and status in ( select value from MAXIMO.synonymdomain where domainid='PRSTATUS' and maxvalue not in ('COMP', 'CAN')));
7. Check for open PO exists
select * form maximo.poline where itemnum='YOURITEMNUM' and itemsetid='YOURITEMSITEMSETID' and ponum in (select ponum from maximo.po where siteid=poline.siteid and status in ( select value from MAXIMO.synonymdomain where domainid='POSTATUS' and maxvalue not in ('COMP', 'CAN','REVISE')));
8. Check for open Contracts
select * form maximo.ContractLine where itemnum='YOURITEMNUM' and itemsetid='YOURITEMSITEMSETID' and contractnum in (select contractnum from maximo.contract where siteid=ContractLine.siteid and status in ( select value from MAXIMO.synonymdomain where domainid='CONTRACTSTATUS' and maxvalue not in ('COMP', 'CAN','REVISE')));
9. Check for CI exists
Below are other things you can check to make tools exists so as to not get error's like that:-
1. Check Workorders exists on it or not which are not in cancelled or complete or closed status
1. Workorder
select * from maximo.wpitem where itemnum='YOURTOOLNUM' and wonum in
(select wonum from maximo.wonum where status not in (SELECT MAXVALUE FROM SYNONYM domain where domainid ='WOSTATUS' AND maxvalue not in ('COMP','CLOSE','CAN'))
2. Check for invbalances
Select * from maximo.invbalances where curbal>0 and itemnum='YOURITEMNUM'
3. Check if there is any asset exist on this item
Select * from maximo.asset where itemnum='YOURITEMNUM'
4. check for joptool
Select * from maximo.jobitem where itemnum='YOURITEMNUM'
5. Check for MR which are not close or cancel
Select * from maximo.mrline where itemnum='YOURITEMNUM' and mrnum in
(select mrnum from maximo.mr where status not in status not in (SELECT MAXVALUE FROM MAXIMO.SYNONYM domain where domainid ='MRSTATUS' AND maxvalue not in (,'CLOSE','CAN'))
6. Check for PR
select * form maximo.prline where itemnum='YOURITEMNUM' and itemsetid='YOURITEMSITEMSETiD' and prnum in (select prnum from pr where siteid=prline.siteid and status in ( select value from MAXIMO.synonymdomain where domainid='PRSTATUS' and maxvalue not in ('COMP', 'CAN')));
7. Check for open PO exists
select * form maximo.poline where itemnum='YOURITEMNUM' and itemsetid='YOURITEMSITEMSETID' and ponum in (select ponum from maximo.po where siteid=poline.siteid and status in ( select value from MAXIMO.synonymdomain where domainid='POSTATUS' and maxvalue not in ('COMP', 'CAN','REVISE')));
8. Check for open Contracts
select * form maximo.ContractLine where itemnum='YOURITEMNUM' and itemsetid='YOURITEMSITEMSETID' and contractnum in (select contractnum from maximo.contract where siteid=ContractLine.siteid and status in ( select value from MAXIMO.synonymdomain where domainid='CONTRACTSTATUS' and maxvalue not in ('COMP', 'CAN','REVISE')));
9. Check for CI exists
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