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Maximo best practices

What are maximo best practices as a technical consultant

1. Go for server restart when u can't get desired results from application restart else use application restart.
2. Do no use Create statement use prepared statement for Update.
3. Do no use printstacktrace use logger.
4. raise TypeError(complewhere) instead of using print while debugging issue in autoscript.
5. Whenever designing a workflow think about all possibilities for example what happen in case record does not have role present to which you are assigning what will happen if it gets to delegate of person? never assume their will always be role what will happen for else logic in condition this way you can frame more questions for Client and make your workflow more safe.
6. Do not use Customization more than necessary try to simplify things by confirmation only for example its always a bad practice to use same field for 2 different purposes and use the script or class to populate or set value for such field instead if you can achieve the same using a single field.
7. Before starting integration always ask whether the requirement is for Synchronous or Asynchronous.
8. Do regular refresh of Lower environments and Keep one environment as Out of box.
9. Clean junk code/escalation/logging in your environment which are no longer necessary once in every couple of years.
10. Check health of you system regularly  like time taken to run queries, time for startcenter load.
11. Do check with IBM PMR team in case you are not sure for implementation rather than assuming.
12. Maintain product.xml
13. Do not use errorgroup and errorkey instead using service.error because service.error will stop the flow from further execution unlike the errorgroup and errorkey.
14. Use best coding guidlines of language u are using like java/ python etc.
15. Use lot of comments in your code.
16. Seperate custom things with names like X or Cust.
17. Put your Custom classes in custom (Customer name folder ) example put your workorder classes in micorsoft.workorder folder if microsoft is your client.
18. Rather than Multiple If 's use If else if else if ........else. in java code and python scripts...
19. Use break and continue inside scripts..
20. Use datasource mainrecord for Sigoption.. so to specify which object you are referring to with the sigoption 
21. Every report should have page num. and date when it got printed.. because report tell truth of current state of system at that time only...
22. Give report access to report auth to everyone.. 
23. Never call mboset fetched from relationship it will give wrong results 
24. For data loading and site setup etc. use prefix and autonumber 


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