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Showing posts from June, 2019

Maximo Multisite Planning

Following are level of Data in Maximo 1. Enterprise Level.....Example Person 2. Organization Level........... 3. Site Level ...............Workorder, Asset 4. Set Level............Item Set, Company Set. When we are going for a new implementation their is point which comes for deciding how many many sites will we create? The answer is not straight forward but here are tips you can use.. 1. If you have 2 different countries where your customer work and each have different set of GL Codes then you should create 2 organization. If they use common company and item's then u can create same company set and item set.. Now what if they use different vendor's in this case you have to separate out Company set for each organization. 2. You go for multiple sites based on Work management. If different locations have different work management, then u should go for multiple sites but if work management is similar then u can create One Organization and One site. 3. It ...

Maximo Button Click event

•               Maximo Button Click Event 1. Search if advance option is checked if checked run action associated with it 2. If not found check for method in databean and   appbean 3. If not found system check for associated mbo and mbo set class 4. If not fould system check if there is an associated dialog in current app. xml and then in lybrary.xml file.

Maximo Bean Class Methods

Methods of Bean Classes of Maximo Reset Method   This method is called when a new filter is applied for the dialog's MboSet.  @see psdi.webclient.system.beans.DataBean#reset()     @Override     public void reset() throws MXException     {             try         {                 saveCurrentSelection();         }         catch (RemoteException e)         {             handleRemoteException(e);         }         super.reset();     } Initialize It is used to initialize values on a d...

Difference between Get and Post and PUT

1.Get is Very less in size probably 2kb. Post is large in size. 2. Get sends data in URL whereas post send data separately. 3. Get is used for Getting data and Put is used for sending something to server. Put is generally used to upload large files. It is very lease servlet method.

Servlet Request Dispatcher

Request Dispatcher The RequestDispatcher interface provides the facility of dispatching the request to another resource it may be html, servlet or jsp. public void forward(ServletRequest request,ServletResponse response)throws ServletException,{ //Forwards request } public void include(ServletRequest request,ServletResponse response)throws ServletException,{ //include Resource } How to create Request dispatcher and use it RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher(myServlet); rd.forward(request,responce); A simple example of it could be on Place order button servlet validate request if its valid then send to order placed page else will send to error page or info missing page.

Getting started with JSP and Servlet

CGI JSP and servlet came inorder to resolve drawback of CGI. CGI was first for dynamic content on web it lacks in performance as every new request creates a new process in system which comes with environment variables. Servlet is efficient because here single process manages all requests. JSP:- JSP is J2ee technology for generating dynamic content. It is mixture of Java and HTML. Advantages:- 1. Separating dynamic and static content. Servlet : It is a J2ee technology which used for generating dynamic content. Servlet takes care of server request. Servlet container are servlet engine which manages servlet request and response. Request Flow is like Request--->Servlet Container--->Servlet--->java/Bean or Database. Example Class OurMaximoSevlet extends HTTPServlet { //This is called on once to initial servlet for the first request public void init(){ } public void service(httpservletrequest hsr, httpserverletresponce hsrr) throws servletexcept...

Websphere MQ

Traditional Message queue is just a part of Websphere MQ. Websphere MQ bring something special on the table Websphere MQ provides remote queue manager capabilities, WebSphere MQ supports its own clustering, which is different from WAS ND clustering technology and which provides for higher scalability and distribution

Manifest.MF File

Java archives (JAR, ejb-jar, client-jar, etc.) contain another file called a MANIFEST.MF that is stored in the META-INF directory along with the other descriptors. For a standard JAR file, the MANIFEST describes Java elements of a JAR file. For J2EE modules, a MANIFEST plays a critical role; it is the J2EE-compliant way to specify classpath information for a J2EE module. Each utility JAR, Web module, and EJB module can specify in their MANIFEST the other JARs in the same EAR that are visible to them. Any other JAR not listed in the MANIFEST of the WAR or the EJB-JAR is not visible to its classpath. Any ref ere nce to a class stored in a JAR within the EAR that is not listed in the MANIFEST will cause a ClassNotFoundException at runtime.

Escaping Underscore in Sql query

to escape underscore use / and escape / before underscore WHERE mycolumn LIKE '%\_%' ESCAPE ' \ ' For writing records with single quotes :- select q'?My mother's key is missing?' from dual O/p My mother's key is missing So as a simple rule q'?_______your_sentence__________?' this tells browser to type your sentence as it is.

Replace word using update query

Often we require to replace a word using update query example Preventive Maintenance PM for testing here we want to replace PM with FV for that we can create query like UPDATE PM p    SET column = REPLACE (p. description , ' PM ' , 'FV' )

Hashcode in Java

Well Hashcode is a method of object class, we can say it is a bucket number for a particular object. Hashcode method return bucket number for the object. Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application, the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application. If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result. Object class Hashcode method. public native int hashCode();

Workflow best practices

Whenever designing a workflow think about all possibilities for example what happen in case record does not have role present to which you are assigning what will happen if it gets to delegate of person? never assume their will always be role what will happen for else logic in condition this way you can frame more questions for Client and make your workflow more safe.

How to improve maximo application performance

Here are list of tips for improving maximo performance:- 1. Check for slow queries and create indexes based on where clause 2. Update stastics often also creation trigger to update stastics schedule to run on non working time. 3. Mboset you are creating using sql formater or setwhereclause you can use via relationship in maximo. 4. Move the long running code towards db like create procedures triggers: For example you have no of escalation to send emails to user based on no. Of condition. Instead of writing such big logic you can create  cron and call store procedure which will send email using smtp which will be much faster. 5. Keep logging at minimum levels at db end, websphere end and Maximo end so that less logs generate. 6. Donot write sysout in you java code or print statements in your automation scripts. 7. Check you server task manager to see if their are any scripts running by IT team or other team.

Migration Package failed with error

Here are tips to resolve maximo migration packagd 1. Migration package consis of zip file you can extract this zip file to see its contents it contains metadata and object structure in xml format. 2. Check metadata xml in case version is different between ur environment you cant migrate but there is trick if you modify xml in package and change version you can migrate even if environmemt is not same. 3. Chaeck are there any rules configured which are not allowimg migration. 4.migration cab fail because of length issue of index in this case remove errorenuous attribute or migrate thr same using dbc. Check logs for errors Migrate in parts  Remove dependency during migration.

How can i debug Out of Box Maximo Classes

Isnt it will be cool if you can debug oob classes well now u can debug oob classes Here is a way :- Install eclipse and setup maximo customization environment   1. Create a test class in eclipse into your project. 2. Rename the class and inheritance detaisl with class you want to debug example woroderset. 3. Now debug the class like other classes.

How to start learning Maximo

This question always comes to mind when we all start learning Maximo. So here is simple steps I will give for everyone to start:- 1. First go to IOT Academy (search on google ) and watch all free Maximo Videos. 2. Then start with Maximo User Guide. 3. Perform Maximo Exercises given on Google. 4. Learn Application designer guide and Workflow Guide. 5. Read how to use Conditional designer. For Customization :- 1. First learn how to setup eclipse and decompile classes. 2. Check IBM Maximo Customization Guide and check several blogs and how to setup java docs and read java docs for understanding methods. 3. Check methods of bean class through blogs. For Reporting 1. Read Birt a field guide. 2. Maximo Birt Report development guide. 3. Read  Birt Admin Guide For Automation Script 1. First learn basic of java script or python. 2. Then read Automation Script guide for Maximo.