Here are list of tips for improving maximo performance:-
1. Check for slow queries and create indexes based on where clause
2. Update stastics often also creation trigger to update stastics schedule to run on non working time.
3. Mboset you are creating using sql formater or setwhereclause you can use via relationship in maximo.
4. Move the long running code towards db like create procedures triggers:
For example you have no of escalation to send emails to user based on no. Of condition.
Instead of writing such big logic you can create cron and call store procedure which will send email using smtp which will be much faster.
5. Keep logging at minimum levels at db end, websphere end and Maximo end so that less logs generate.
6. Donot write sysout in you java code or print statements in your automation scripts.
7. Check you server task manager to see if their are any scripts running by IT team or other team.
5. Keep logging at minimum levels at db end, websphere end and Maximo end so that less logs generate.
6. Donot write sysout in you java code or print statements in your automation scripts.
7. Check you server task manager to see if their are any scripts running by IT team or other team.
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