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Showing posts from 2021

Maximo Functional Interview questions

 Functional interview Questions :- 1. What is an Asset, Item?( Remeber Asset num is unique and item num is common.. rotating asset is something that we track can be repained but not replaced..and move or out from inventory.... 2. On what basis you can select architecture to be single site / multisite etc.(Remember glaccounts)... 3. What are ways you can create Work order in Maximo? 4. What are ways you can create Invoice in Maximo? 5. What is Asset life cycle? 6. What is Purchasing Life Cycle? 7. What are different modules of Maximo? 8. How many types of contract can be created in Maximo? 9. What is EAM? 10. Explain reorder process? 11. Explain Pm functionality and how earliest next due date calculated? 12. How do you configure security groups? 13. What is an independent security group and dependent security group? 14. You have uploaded some workorders and next day activated pmwogen cron which created some more wo's ? Now client does not wants pmwogen wos sequence to be a...


 What is an SOP document:-  When we get a ticket we fix it using configuration, automation or customization which goes release process. Their are some fixes which are repeated for which we can define clear-cut step by step instructions these are  defined in our SOP document.

Maximo best practices

What are maximo best practices as a technical consultant 1. Go for server restart when u can't get desired results from application restart else use application restart. 2. Do no use Create statement use prepared statement for Update. 3. Do no use printstacktrace use logger. 4. raise TypeError(complewhere) instead of using print while debugging issue in autoscript. 5. Whenever designing a workflow think about all possibilities for example what happen in case record does not have role present to which you are assigning what will happen if it gets to delegate of person? never assume their will always be role what will happen for else logic in condition this way you can frame more questions for Client and make your workflow more safe. 6. Do not use Customization more than necessary try to simplify things by confirmation only for example its always a bad practice to use same field for 2 different purposes and use the script or class to populate or set value for such field instead if yo...

Command to check java class version

Check version of java class by command prompt windos set path=Path of Java C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_291\bin cd Path_where_class_exists Path_where_class_exists:>  javap -verbose Your_class_Name findstr "major" or copy the class in java/folder and run command Version 51 :- Java 7 Version 52 :- Java 8

BMXAA5654I - Package preview or deploy is in progress

 2 ways resolve :- your package in inprogress either update it or set deploy in progress select * from dmpkgstatus where status ='DEPLOY_INPROGRESS' ; or select * from maximo.DMPACKAGE where  status='DEPLOY_INPROGRESS' ; 1. find you latest package and either udpate it from db using query  UPDATE MAXIMO.dmpkgstatus SET STATUS='DEPLOYED' WHERE  status ='DEPLOY_INPROGRESS' ; or click on continue deploymed in migration manager.

BMXAA7107E - site is not allowed because the Site of the classification must match the Site of the children and attributes.

 Go to selection action associated attributes  Their site id is mentioned on your attribute i.e why when u are crating attriute without siteid its not taking as you need to remove that attribute from associated list. another reason could be classification or child classification in associate classification dialog has siteid and orgid i.e it its giving this error.

Adding attachment to custom application Maximo

Note : Cloned application does not require these steps.  run these queries to create sigoption insert into maximo.sigoption (hasld,esigenabled,langcode,optionname,description,app,visible,sigoptionid) values (0,0,'EN','ASSOCFOLD','Associate Folders','App Name',1,SIGOPTIONSEQ.nextval); insert into maximo.sigoption (hasld,esigenabled,langcode,optionname,description,app,visible,sigoptionid) values (0,0,'EN','MANAGEFOLD','Manage Folders','APP Name',1,SIGOPTIONSEQ.nextval); insert into maximo.sigoption (hasld,esigenabled,langcode,optionname,description,app,visible,sigoptionid) values (0,0,'EN','MANAGELIB','Manage Library','APP Name',1,SIGOPTIONSEQ.nextval); run following queries Insert into MAXMENU (MENUTYPE,MODULEAPP,POSITION,SUBPOSITION,ELEMENTTYPE,KEYVALUE,HEADERDESCRIPTION,URL,VISIBLE,IMAGE,ACCESSKEY,TABDISPLAY,MAXMENUID) values ('APPMENU','APP NAME',250,30,'OPTION',...

PMWogen is not working

 reason 1. Asset on PM or Location on PM or Asset or location on routestop on route of pm is Not ready i.e not operating or Active.... 2. PM is inactive 3. PM is not due yet 4. Some customization causing issue. 5. Cron not active.   6. Security Access with User running cron... 7. Organization option related to PM...