BMXAA4214E Unknow error occurred generating XML or WSDL
Solution to this error
1. Check Directory path in Maximo global directly is correct
2. Check any objectstructure details exists where their is no corresponding objectstructure
via these queries
select intobjectname, objectname from maxintobjdetail
where objectname not in ( select objectname from maxobject)
order by intobjectname, objectname
select intobjectname, objectname, name from maxintobjcols m
where not exists (select 1 from maxattribute a where a.objectname = m.objectname
and a.attributename = and intobjectname not like 'REP_%'
order by intobjectname, objectname, name
If objectdetail exists and not object structure.. you need to take backup and remove the objectdetail...for consistency of syste....
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