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Showing posts from March, 2022

Every technologies future is all automation - No need for writing code or script..................

 Why I am saying this because thier is huge cost in development which developer's are asking. companies look for developing software / maintaining it enhancing it......we require developers... Some company spend 40percent on it... Now this was done in old languages using C / Cobol/C++........... For this we require expertise.. Now in newer languages like .Net, Ruby......anyone can work because of those IDE's and simplification of Syntax so we dont need  many expertise and we can work with avg. developers.... So slowly in future software's will come where AI / ML will be so strong that we dont need developers to write code all will be done by instructions even by verbal instructions......(dont worry support will always be their..........) Also in new languages we require less no of developers due to automations.....which saves cost...

Maximo Duplicate Button in Child Table

 Inorder to implement Duplicate Button in Child Table their are 2 options 1. Use duplicate event on button(No Customization required OOB) 2. Write a bean class (Custom methods need to be created custom databean class inorder +helpful in scenario's like handling Validation and Checking parent Save)

Server not Reachable Error Step by Step

 Server not Reachable Error Step by Step 1. Ping server Like ping 2. If its not working ping the ip address for finding ipaddress use netslookup commad netslookup ip is 192................. ********************* then ping ip  ping 192.............................. 3. If if its still not accessible check you are connected to network.. :) 4. Check etc\hosts file  5. Check resolve Config file on your computer.

Maximo Customizing Response in Enterpise Service

 How to Customizing Response in Maximo.... As we know default queue based services does not send response. By invocation Channel we can configure response. For enterprise service response is autogenerated, if we need to customize response we can write User exit with the help of irData we can setvalue in IRData than in our response this value will be added...

Maximo upgrade steps to 7.6

Pre upgrade steps 1. Check current configurations and  maximo upgraded configurations and note down difference and impacts.. 2. Repeat similar steps for integrations ..... 3. Check what all new features in the new versions 4. Check maximo compatibility matrix ... Below are steps to upgrade Maximo to 7.6 1. Compile all Java class to version 8. 2. Run integrity checker in report mode and resolve all issues. 3. Install 7.6 4. Point your smp to 7.6  5. Run updatedb script. 6. Run post installation fixes  7. Check all applications are opening and hv your configurations if not import oob xmls and modify it using beyond compare  8. Run all autoscripts (Many autoscripts will not work because of syntax change in libraries) 9. Create temporary records for sequence related errors. Resolve maxsequence errors 10. Reapply all statistics and indexes and check all procedures are working otherwise fix them... 11. Check system properties and end points. 12. Check doclinks 13 Check sec...

Maximo Integrity checker a boon for Developers

 Sometimes we have an issue and after spending hours we can't identify how this has been occurred after our new deployment........ There comes to rescue Maximo Integrity Check. Maximo Integration Checker utility checks integrity of your Database as per Maximo's best should run after every deploment or upgrade or Ifix applying.. Note do not run it in Repair mode (untill IBM PMR team ask you ) run in report mode. Its logs are saved to Maximo/logs/integrityXXXX.log steps  Stop the serer. Open command prompt Go to c:\ibm\SMP\maximo\tools\maximo  Run integrityui.bat  from command prompt  Click on Check integrity tab  and click run integrity tab Click ok.

How to handle maximo Integration issues

 Check Technical document for the integration...  Check Logs.. Check publish channel for Skip rule, User exit classes and Integration Scripts.. Check crontask (ifaceconsume, Sequential Consume is On)  Check Message in External system (add/modify queues) Check integration Bus Check message Tracking Check if the error is found in Ifix or something? Check classes with debug... Ask Customer if you dont know these questions. When this issue occur 2. What is the issue. 3. is the issue replicable 4. time of the issue 5. is issue replicable in lower environment 6. Priority 7. No of users impacted 8. Screenshot of issue.

Configuring Eclipse for Mobile First Development

  Configuring Eclipse for Mobile First Development Steps 1. Go to Eclipse Ini file and change heap size from 512 to 1024 or 830 as per requiremen Steps 2. Click on Install new Software and give path for Mobile first file. (Note you can download from Marketplace) Step 3. Import Maximoanywhere Project in Workspace using import existing project in Workspace. Step 4. Click on WindowsShow Ant View Step 5. Turn off Auto Build Step 6 Copy Ant Scripts in Ant View from Project Explorer   Step 7. Deploy OSLC Generic Adapter on Mobile First Server   Install Adroid SKD Go to android SDK--->tools-->Andoird.bat.     This allows are to Deploy apps in Mobile First. Files are deploying on Server Step 8 Run Any Mobile First Application on Developer Mobile First Server Step 9. Set Path For Android Studio using Preference-Mobile First -Location  login to worklight  Login with admin/admin credentials.   Step 11 Check Application ...

Maximo challenging things to learn

This blog is for people who havs seen everything in development integration funtional etc and got bored from Maximo and Java integration........ ..they can start exploring Maximo Gis   maximo schedular customization   maximo anywhere development... Explore Rest ApI...  Call and Insert data using Maximo webservice from Java. Integration Maximo with Spring jar's

Maximo Anywhere Interview Questions

Anywhere Question 1. What are new changes in 7.6.4 2. How to add a new domain value in Anywhere 3. How to enable esignation in Maximo Anywhere 4. How to enable ldap in Anywhere 6. How to Build apk (command) 7. What is RdfPuller cmd do? 8. What is a ant file? 9. What are Maximo Anywhere applications. 10. How would u test your Maximo Anywhere Application? 11. What you use Anywhere administration application For?

maximo query to create new attribute


Steps to install Maximo in windows

 Download maximo files for was db2 and maximo from passport advantable  run launchpad exe Run verification Tool select db2 websphere maximo select db2 studio if you want to install db2  select path to install maximo/ http server/db2 etc...... select http port db2 password and db2 port details  complete websphere configuration Configure Database  select language  Build Ear

How to generate Workorder for only the parent PM and not for the child PM

 Use this PM to Trigger PM Hierarchy :- This is option you will use to generate workroder only for the parent PM and not for child pM. For parent it will be checked and for child you can unselect it so when parent is due it will generate workroder for parent only and not for child ... If pm is top level this field will be readonly...........

Unable to login to maximo

  check ldapusermngmt , appserversecurity   check default site present for user exists in organization  check check ssl configuration. check maxadmin or mxintadm user is blocked ? check loginblock table. Have u  deleted an attribute or object:- If yes it might impact because their is a chance that u have not deleted dependencies impacting maximo's cache.. Have u added any  attribute or object:- If yes it might impact because their is a chance that attribute already refrenced somewhere from previous migration.... Check are u able to login to admin accounts like MAXADMIN  or Maxintadm user... Hv u recently upgraded maximo or installed fixpack if yes check url of maximo is in trusted zone of browser...

maximo format date time in birt

Easy way to format date time in maximo birt for a field is 

BMXAA1983E cannot approve invoice XXX. the difference in cost between line 2 of the invoice and purchase order is -0.05 USD which is less than tolerance of 0 USD

BMXAA1983E cannot approve invoice XXX. the difference in cost between line 2 of the invoice and purchase order  is 5 USD which is less than tolerance of 0 USD This issue occurs when their is a difference between Cost in PO and Cost in Receipt or their is a difference between Currency of PO and invoice.........which is greater or less than threshold. Inorder to check this use the below query to check whether limit tolerance is set or not select * from maximo.LIMITTOLERANCE where and groupname in (select groupname from groupuser where userid in (XXXX) Limit tolerance i.e tolerance % can also be set at PO level in PO line details section...... if their is a difference between cost and it is greater or less than threshold i.e limit defined in security group this error occurs.  Check if tolerance is defined and what is value of tolerance.............. Check if this invoice can be approved by another user of some different group where tolerance is defined...............

Java Interview Concepts

 Java Interview Concepts A Functional interface should have only 1 abstract method. All Non static methods of an interface should be abstract. When we write code we have to write too many null checks else we get Null point exception inorder to avoid it Optional class came in Java 8. Two methods 1. static <T> Optional<T> ofNullable(T value) 2. orElse(T other) Returns the value if present, otherwise returns other. Returns an Optional describing the specified value, if non-null, otherwise returns an empty Optional Enum Constructor must be private.