BMXAA1983E cannot approve invoice XXX. the difference in cost between line 2 of the invoice and purchase order is -0.05 USD which is less than tolerance of 0 USD
BMXAA1983E cannot approve invoice XXX. the difference in cost between line 2 of the invoice and purchase order is 5 USD which is less than tolerance of 0 USD
This issue occurs when their is a difference between Cost in PO and Cost in Receipt or their is a difference between Currency of PO and invoice.........which is greater or less than threshold.
Inorder to check this use the below query to check whether limit tolerance is set or not
select * from maximo.LIMITTOLERANCE where and groupname in (select groupname from groupuser where userid in (XXXX)
Limit tolerance i.e tolerance % can also be set at PO level in PO line details section......
if their is a difference between cost and it is greater or less than threshold i.e limit defined in security group this error occurs.
Check if tolerance is defined and what is value of tolerance..............
Check if this invoice can be approved by another user of some different group where tolerance is defined...............
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