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Configuring Eclipse for Mobile First Development


Configuring Eclipse for Mobile First Development

Steps 1. Go to Eclipse Ini file and change heap size from 512 to 1024 or 830 as per requiremen

Steps 2. Click on Install new Software and give path for Mobile first file.

(Note you can download from Marketplace)

Step 3. Import Maximoanywhere Project in Workspace using import existing project in Workspace.

Step 4. Click on WindowsShow Ant View

Step 5. Turn off Auto Build

Step 6 Copy Ant Scripts in Ant View from Project Explorer 

Step 7. Deploy OSLC Generic Adapter on Mobile First Server

 Install Adroid SKD

Go to android SDK--->tools-->Andoird.bat.



This allows are to Deploy apps in Mobile First.

Files are deploying on Server

Step 8 Run Any Mobile First Application on Developer Mobile First Server

Step 9. Set Path For Android Studio using Preference-Mobile First -Location

 login to worklight 

Login with admin/admin credentials.


Step 11 Check Application Deployed

Click on eye icon to Preview application


Enter Wilson/Wilson as credentials



Login to App Center

Click on inspection Android

This is where you will upload Maximo Anywhere APK.

1. Go to Ant tab and expand applicaiton build script.

build -all..

2. Deploy the OSLC Adapter

In Eclipse, under Project Explorer go to MaximoAnywhere > adapters > OSLCGenericAdapter (right click) > Run As > Deploy MobileFirst Adapter

3. Launch your Anywhere App and test the login. You should now be able to login successfully


Note in Maximo Anywhere fold we have build.cmd command if will type

build.cmd -all it will build all files including .war file which we can deploy in anywhere console for preview.


After Build war is available in bin folder in the same folder .apk file is also available along with walp file.


To install it we use application center application.


For transalation we need to update Artificate.js file.


To maximo anywhere to other environment



Stop mobile first server and build an deploy ear


build and deploy maixmoanywhere war file


Configuring or taking backup of Before Installing or configuring Maximo Anywhere


Take backup of Admin Work Station

Maximo Admin Workstation: /IBM/SMP

Take backup of Build Server.

Maximo Anywhere Build Server: /IBM/Anywhere

Post Instllation Steps


Verifying that your local customizations still exist:


Run a comparison tool like Beyond Compare to compare your backed up directory to the newly updated one.


Verify that any (class files, device native code or javascript) customizations you have made are still in place, and reapply them if not.


Verify that your app.xml file changes are still there.


Verify that the bundleids in your application-description.xml file are correct.


If you have customized the logos on the login screen or any of the platform XML files, you must manually reapply those changes.


Check changes made app files

Reapply any changes you might have made to the file to reenable any custom properties you might have changed.

f you have customized your Maximo Object Structures rerun the OSLC RDF Puller to pull the latest OSLC RDF documents:



Commands to upgrade individual Files

4. Run the following command to upgrade your WorkExecution.xml file to the latest version: 

 ant -f app-sparse-xml-processor.xml upgrade-previous-release-app-artifacts


5. Run the anywhere-rdfs-puller.xml file that is in the MaximoAnywhere directory.


6. If you are building Android apps, update your property to specify the version of the Android SDK that you are using, for example, Android_TARGET_DEVICE_NAME=android-23.

Also, you must download the same Android SDK in your Android SDK Manager. Android 23 SDK is the minimum supported version for Android 7 apps.

 Otherwise, Android 21 SDK is the minimum supported version.


Also, make a complete backup of the Maximo database instance.


We can navigate App.xml using UI Section also.



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